SEO Without Monthly Fees
Free Website Review and Analysis
Traffic Connection offers a free, basic website and marketing analysis report. The free review provides a general analysis of site structure, on-site and off site factors. This free service is perfect to use before ordering other Traffic Connection paid task services. Report will indicate if our other services may help in your marketing efforts.
Keyword Research
Keywords are a fundamental part of SEO and search engine results. Proper keyword research can make an enormous different in your marketing efforts. Many companies include keyword phrases that they believe their target audience is using, without verifying that anyone actually uses those particular phrases when searching for their products and services. Traffic Connection’s Keyword Research service provides a spreadsheet of relevant phrases with monthly search volume, organized by page in your site.
Meta Data Creation
Meta data, or metadata, is defined as “data about data”. There are a number of types of Meta data used in websites, and the basic data set used in SEO are Title, Description, and Keywords. Meta data is not visible on the front-end of your website pages. It is added to the source code in order to let search engine better understand what the web page is about. Because meta data is often used by search engines in search result listings, it is very important that page title and description meta data is written for human viewer consumption.
Google Penalties and Disavow List
Back in 2012, Google launched an algorithm update known as “Penguin”. Penguin update was designed to discourage manipulative linking practices used by marketers. Websites with spammy links pointing to them were, and are subject to penalties that severely reduce a site’s exposure in Google search results. Google disavow is a list submitted via Google Webmaster Tools, basically asking Google to ignore links from particular websites. Traffic Connection can determine if your site is likely under a Google Penguin penalty, and create a disavow list if needed.
Competition Backlink Report
Authoritative backlinks remain an important factor in ranking well in search results. Traffic Connection can provide a you with a spreadsheet that includes the backlink profile of ten of your competitors. This report will often point out link opportunities that you have missed. You may indicate what competitors you would like analyzed, or Traffic Connection can find the best competitors for you. To us, a competitors is any similar company that ranks in the first 20 search results for your primary keyword phrase.